Our first step is the Feasibility and Vision Review. We visit your sight, we discuss your vision, dreams, needs and wants. We analyze your site or home, and then generate some ideas and document them in a final report. This becomes a great foundation for the start of your home project.
Feasibility & Vision Review
Design is key. We explore creative solutions that are unique for your family’s life style and your unique project site.
Initially, we meet with you to fully understand your life style and your goals. Together we establish a set principals that will guide our design concept for your home.
3-d models are utilized to help you visualize and understand every aspect of your new home.
Concept & Design Development Phase
“The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail” Charles Swindoll
When we produce your home plans and construction documents, we put great attention to every detail.
Construction Drawing Phase
We oversee the construction of your new home to ensure that it is built to your exact specifications and the high quality you expect. We help when challenges arise and work with contractors to help resolve issues.
Construction Observation Phase
David Pool Architecture is an architectural firm that provides full service from pre-planning through to construction observation. Below is a quick description of the process.
Vision & Feasibility Review
Contact us to set up an initial phone call, to see if we are the right firm to help you and to see if we are a good fit. We then set up a Vision and Feasibility Review meeting time with you.
Vision & Feasibilty Revew
The first step starts with our Vision and Feasibility Review. This is a strategy designed to precisely understand your requirements and goals, and then give findings and recommendations and a plan to move forward. We visit your site, discuss your goals, do a project analysis for City codes and regulations, site analysis for site impacts, and then provide a final document reporting our findings.
The Vision and Feasibility Review helps us establish your projects goals, scope of work and services required. We follow up with a fee proposal and draft contract would follow shortly for you to review. Once we have a signed contract we would move into the six phases of the Architectural Design process outlined below
1. Programming Phase:
We meet with you to learn about your lifestyle, your goals and wishes for the home. We have created detailed questionnaire that assists you to think about almost every detail of your home and it has extra space for your additional thoughts too. Once you have time to consider these questions, we meet and review your goals. In the end, the take away is a program and project guiding principles that helps us create a sound plan and design concept for your project.
2. Schematic Design Phase:
We create two to three initial design schemes and concepts that seeks to define the general scope and conceptual design of the project. This includes studying relationships between rooms, capturing views, passive solar design, scale and site features. We also, review land use, height restrictions, setbacks, zoning issues, utility availability, and CCR’s – covenants, conditions & restrictions. Once we have a design that has been approved by the client we move onto the next phase Design Development.
3. Design Development Phase:
Moving forward with the approved design, we continue developing the concept by creating a site plan, floor plans, elevations, and sections. We create a 3 dimensional model of the project that we can spin around and zoom in to help the client visualize spaces. Professional renderings can help with exterior and interior selections for the major spaces in the home. Once we received the final design approval from the client we forward into the construction document phase.
4. Construction Documents Phase:
This is the time it takes us, our engineer team, and other consultants to do final drawings, notes, technical specifications and details. These construction documents are necessary for bidding, construction and permit applications. This is when the blue prints are completed and handed off to the general contractor for construction.
5. Bidding Phase:
We can assist with the general contractor selection process and help review submitted bids, provide analysis, and help you compare the cost figures you receive from bidders. This will ensure that the general contractor is reading the plans correctly and providing accurate bids for your project.
6. Construction Observation
We do site visits during construction to observe progress of the project to ensure that the design and specifications per the contract are being executed to the high level of quality you expect. We meet with the general contractor to ensure a good working relationship, so when issues arise, we become a trusted advisor not an advisory. If we see problems early during the construction we can collaborate with the team to help resolve challenges.
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